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Ways Patrol Safelist Can Improve Your Property's Overall Security: OC Patrol Safelist

Ways Patrol Safelist Can Improve Your Property's Overall Security: OC Patrol Safelist

A professional park enforcement security team ensures that only authorized vehicles can enter and exit a property under their guard. It is why our highly qualified personnel, accompanied by an advanced OC patrol safelist system, is always on standby to provide the most proficient parking security needs for your property.

What Exactly Is a Patrol Safelist?

A safelist is another name for parking exemption. The system, comparable to a guest pass, features a unique log identifying vehicles permitted onto a property. It registers all owner and guest vehicles entering and exiting. The safelist has an inventory comprising vehicle type, model, and license plate numbers. It also captures the streets bordering each car park. With this info, a security team can easily track who is on the property.

How Does an OC Patrol Safelist Improve Your Property's Security?

A patrol safelist is helpful in several ways. For example:

  • Safelisting is composed of massive information regarding vehicle entry /exit and parking. This data is a critical control mechanism on who should and shouldn't be on the property.
  • Besides eliminating illegal parking, patrol officers can also use the info to combat trespass and loopholes for criminal activities.

Other Parking Enforcement Methods to Enhance Security

While safelist works fantastically, parking enforcement teams can go far and beyond to protect a community's residents. Our 24-hour dispatch officers will often move around on foot and do it with marked patrol cars. Accompanied with state-of-the-art technologies, we cover every corner, street, and base to ensure everyone is safe and secure.


Parking enforcement by Safelisting and physical patrol is a sure way to improve security. Our programs ensure that residents and guests have a secure place to park within a property. We also educate the residents regarding parking procedures as part and parcel of parking enforcement.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about safelist programs for your property.