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Gated Communities

GATED COMMUNITIES Protect Your Gated Community With Experienced Security Personnel...

Protect Your Gated Community With Experienced Security Personnel

Southern California residential communities can benefit greatly from implementing security patrols on the premises. The mere presence of marked patrol cars and uniformed professionals is an effective deterrent for illicit and suspicious activity on residential properties.

Extensive Education, Training, and Certification

California Safety Agency is always prepared to provide residential gated communities with licensed and screened officers overseen by veteran field supervisors with military and law enforcement backgrounds. Supervisors also work to provide clients with excellence in service and protection. Our armed and unarmed staff are certified to render state-licensed security services.

What makes our team qualified to keep your community safe?

Both our armed and unarmed officers are highly qualified to perform their duties.

  • Armed officers are assessed every four months at our state-licensed corporate training facility and are proficient in the use of firearms oleoresin capsicum (OC)/pepper spray, and baton use.
  • Unarmed officers also meet California state requirements for security personnel as laid out by the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Bureau of Security and Investigative Services.
  • All of our security personnel are required to maintain their licensure and training through our corporate training facilities. California Safety Agency strives to ensure that all of our officers meet and exceed the requirements necessitated by state regulations.

How Proactive Security Measures Protect Your Gated Community

  • All officers are required to file shift reports that are submitted to field supervisors. These reports include all incidents of note on your property. Actions taken are determined by officer observation. Field supervisors can then forward these daily reports to the client to view at their leisure.
  • Every security officer is equipped with a two-way digital radio to contact our centralized dispatch team and respond to your service calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • A combination of random and scheduled patrols are effective deterrents against unauthorized activity on your property. California Safety Agency also offers parking enforcement and safelisting services for your community.
  • Our radar enforcement package monitors the speeds of vehicles on your community’s streets during random patrols to ensure that speed limits on your property are being observed.

Choose Gated Community Security That Values Clients and Tenants

Not only are our officers highly experienced in providing security for gated communities, but we also offer plans designed explicitly with gated residential communities in mind.

California Safety Agency gate officers can ensure that residents’ and guests’ first point of contact with your property is courteous, professional, and makes occupants feel safe.

We prioritize your protection, but we also value providing an excellent customer service experience that is specifically tailored to clients’ unique security needs. We maintain a database with information relevant to your service requirements so that our officers are always able to serve the community properly.

With just one phone call, you can get quality Southern California gated community security at competitive prices. Call California Safety Agency’s security experts today at (866) 966-6990 or submit a quote request form online.