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Armed vs. Unarmed Guards at California Security Agency

Armed vs. Unarmed Guards at California Security Agency

Armed Vs. Unarmed Guards at California Security Agency: Which Works Better for Your Security Needs?

One of the topmost priorities for residences and business premises is security. Depending on various factors, you might decide whether to hire armed or unarmed security services. The California Security Agency assesses your location, business risk, type, and size. We also discuss your budget to provide the most appropriate security services.

Armed Guards at California Security Agency

Our armed guards have specialized training in safely handling, using, and transporting firearms and other lethal weapons. We deploy them at high-risk locations such as financial, shopping malls, jewelry stores, construction sites, and learning institutions.

Unarmed Guards at California Security Agency

 As the name suggests, our unarmed guards do not carry arms. However, they provide security in low-risk areas such as residential homes, gated communities, and small businesses. They patrol and use advanced security systems such as CCTV cameras to help prevent crime and illegal trespass and keep order.

Armed Vs. Unarmed Guards Pros and Cons

 There are several advantages to using either armed or unarmed security guards from the California Security Agency.

Armed Security Guards' Pros

  •  The extra protection that armed officers provide helps deter all criminal activities, including armed robberies.

  •  Armed security makes people feel secure as they go about their business.


  •  Armed security is more costly compared to unarmed security personnel

  •  Clients and customers can feel intimidated and scared by the presence of firearms


Unarmed Security Guards Pros

  •  Unarmed guards are more cost-effective.

  •  They can provide additional customer support services such as greeting, welcoming, and giving directions to your business.


Unarmed guards may not quickly prevent a serious crime. Without calling for backup, heavily armed criminals can easily overpower them. 


How to Make the Right Choice

Your business type, location, size, and budget can guide you in deciding whether armed or unarmed security personnel are right for you. For example, hire armed security if it is a high-risk, large, or highly volatile area.


Our armed and armed security officers have distinct tasks and assignments. The aim is to ensure ultimate security for your residence and business.

Contact us at the California Security Agency for more information regarding armed and armed security personnel services.