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Stay Safe with Parking Enforcement Services

Stay Safe with Parking Enforcement Services

Parking lots are known for being problem areas. If left unattended, crime can be a serious issue. One of the best things you can do for your community or business is to have a safe solution. Deterring crime is better than dealing with it after the fact. Parking enforcement services is one of the many security services we offer at the California Safety Agency. There are many benefits to hiring security guards to protect and watch parking lots. They include:

  • Parking Permits – We can create custom parking permits for your customers. They can be physical or virtual, and they are difficult to reproduce. This makes it difficult for unapproved cars to park on the lot.
  • Parking Enforcement Programs – There is no sense in having parking lot rules if they are not enforced. That is where we come in. We can put together a program that is perfect for your needs. We can issue warnings, citations and provide towing services. 

We document everything we do, and our dispatch center is available 24/7. We can be in contact with our security guards, and they in contact with us in seconds. For more information on the parking enforcement services at California Safety Agency, give us a call at (866) 996-6990.