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Security Companies in Orange County

Security Companies in Orange County

Security Companies in Orange County

Did you know that Orange County was once pillaged by pirates? In 1818, a captain named Bouchard and his crew had sailed from Argentina. They arrived at the Mission San Juan Capistrano, ate all the food and drank all the alcohol, and returned to their ship. In the 21st Century, the only pirates you should find are at Anaheim’s famed Disneyland Resort. Those pirates won’t give you any trouble, but there are plenty of other would-be criminals who might. The pirates of a long-ago era are part of the reason why security companies in Orange County are necessary.

As the population of Orange County grows, so does its crime rate which is higher than that of the surrounding counties in Los Angeles. While law enforcement is stretched to the breaking point regarding both funding and manpower, the private security industry has stepped up. It has not only grown more sophisticated since the days of the night watchman, but it has also incorporated proactive crime prevention techniques, first responder capabilities, and the expertise to de-escalate and resolve tense situations.

The California Safety Agency employs security guards that are trained to protect apartment complexes, gated communities, and businesses of any size.If you aren’t sure if your business could benefit from the addition of security guards, here are some things to consider.

  1. Is your business in an area of high or escalating crime? Many factors can leave your business vulnerable including poor lighting at night and if your business is located in an isolated area where problems are less likely to be seen and identified.

  2. Does the parking area pose safety concerns? The presence of security guards can make your customers feel more secure and even welcomed to your business because of your proven concern for them.

  3. Is your business the victim of theft or shoplifting? Security guards inside your business can watch customers in crowded or obstructed areas of your store where security cameras can’t.

  4. Are you paying a lot for insurance? Employing security guards to protect your assets may help to lower your premiums.

  5. Does your business serve alcohol? If you own a liquor store or a bar, you know that alcohol can affect some people adversely. Security guards can stop a troubling situation before it grows worse.

  6. Are you concerned about emergency situations including the liability they may pose to your customers? Trained experienced security guards can protect your customers during medical emergencies, altercations, and attempted crimes.

The California Safety Agency is a premiere provider of security companies in Orange County and Riverside, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties. Contact us today to find out how we can protect your business, your customers, and your parking facilities.