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Rest Easy with CSA

Rest Easy with CSA

Rest Easy with CSA

Did you ever hear a dog barking in the night? While it’s true that it can be annoying and even interrupt your sleep, chances are that the dog is trying to tell you something. Imagine that the dog is now growling and you can hear strange noises and see shadows outside your home or apartment. Wouldn’t it be reassuring if someone could respond right away without having to wait for the police? Security patrol vehicles and bike patrol officers with the California Safety Agency are ready to do that.

Gated communities and apartment complexes with security cameras are safer in general but in this day and age, nothing is guaranteed. In  Los Angeles, the odds are one in 41 of becoming the victim of a property crime which could include things like burglary, theft, and vandalism.

Having security vehicles patrol the areas around apartment complexes and inside gated communities is an excellent deterrent to crime, but there are things that officers on bikes can do that officers in cars cannot.

For instance, an officer on a bike may be able to respond quicker, especially if the disturbance is taking place in an area that is difficult for a car to get to such as a pool or other recreational areas. Officers on bikes can get in-between buildings and in other tight areas where vehicles can’t go.

Perhaps the biggest advantage is that they are quiet. Not only are they more apt to hear noises or barking dogs, but they are also able to observe, track, and catch criminals in the act much sooner than the criminals know they are there. This not only deters crime, but the reports submitted by the officers can identify problem areas and make taking preventative action more effective.

The California Safety Agency  puts our eyes and ears on the ground literally through our bike patrol officers and security patrol vehicles. Contact us to find out how we can protect your neighborhood, gated community, or apartment complex.