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Professional Event Security Services from CSA

Professional Event Security Services from CSA

Does your home or business require event security? If so, California Safety Agency offers both armed and unarmed security personnel to meet your needs. Our trained professionals meet and exceed state standards for security personnel because these officers must also meet CSA standards.

What can event security do for you?

  • Remove uninvited guests from an event. If you want specific individuals at your event, you’ll also want an effective way to keep unwanted individuals from making their way in. CSA officers can vet these individuals and escort them off the premises in a safe and orderly fashion.
  • Help you meet requirements for your venue. Security officers can also ensure those venue requirements are met, such as serving alcohol only to guests who are of legal drinking age and can even deter conflicts that might sometimes be present under such circumstances.
  • Deter theft and other crimes. Criminals are less likely to engage in illicit activity with security patrols and personnel present. Our officers and vehicles are clearly marked so that guests can identify us, and criminals are deterred from conducting illegal activities on your property.
  • Provide crowd control. Security personnel are essential for maintaining order during an emergency or other disaster that may require the use of emergency exits. This is also perfect for ensuring orderly departure at the end of large events like concerts, popular theatrical productions, or sporting events.
  • Make sure your guests feel safe. Maintaining safety means more than just deterring crime. It also means ensuring that guests feel safe and comfortable during an event. We can even assist by escorting guests to their vehicles. Feeling protected and appreciated is essential to building goodwill with your guests and ensuring they remember your event fondly.

Whether you need event security, residential vehicle patrols, parking enforcement, or any other security-related service, California Safety Agency is here to assist homes, businesses, and communities at large in staying safe and deterring crime. Contact our team online or call (866) 996-6990 to find out more about our professional security services.