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Parking Patrol and Enforcement

Parking Patrol and Enforcement

Parking Patrol and Enforcement
Parking lots can be scenes of disorder and multiple violations including the presence of a criminal element as well as the commission of crimes. At the California Safety Agency, we know that the solution to keeping your parking lot safe for your users is to provide a well-trained security team that will enforce the rules and operate consistently. We design and implement parking enforcement programs that are in compliance with local and state laws to do just that.

What do our parking enforcement programs have to offer?

  1. Our dispatch facilities are working 24/7 to receive calls from clients. All of our officers are equipped with two-way radios to facilitate their immediate response.
  2. We create a custom database for each client that is used to track activity and data so that we can provide the best customer service tailored specifically to your needs.
  3. Our officers compile and submit daily incident reports. Our agency keeps them on file and forwards copies to you.
  4. Our officers issue warnings and citations that comply with the regulations for your particular property and with local and state laws.
  5. If towing services are ordered, we supplement the reports with photographs of the vehicle where it was when it was in violation of your regulations and the law. Our documentation process protects us later in court from false allegations.
  6. Any disputes or claims made by vehicle owners are fully documented and provided to the clients for action.

Our officers deal with violations and prevent them. A visible security force can deter criminals before they have the chance to commit any crimes they may have been planning. By deterring crimes and violations, we keep your parking facility safe and user friendly.

The California Safety Agency offers individualized parking lot safety solutions at competitive prices. Contact us today for a consultation.