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Gated Community Security

Gated Community Security

People love the amenities that gated communities offer. They are quiet and meticulously maintained, and the property values generally tend to be higher. Although pools, fitness centers, and parks are extremely appealing, they are still not the main reason why people gravitate toward gated communities. The principal attraction is the added safety and security provided by controlled entry points that prevent traffic on their streets and keep non-residents out. As good as the concept may sound; there are still a lot of mistakes that property managers make when it comes to gated community security.

Here are the most common mistakes that continue to put the residents of a gated community at risk.

  1. Failing to perform a complete security risk assessment –opening communications with law enforcement and seeking the advice of a professional private security company can allow them to identify specific security threats that need to be addressed.

  2. Not clarifying roles and responsibilities –the members of the property management staff and security teams need to know exactly what their responsibilities are and what rules and procedures they should follow.

  3. Not opening channels of communication with residents – residents need to know how to contact security personnel and should be invited to attend regularly scheduled meetings to discuss safety concerns.

  4. Neglecting to identify and secure all possible access points –it may be necessary to create more than one entry gate to ensure that outsiders and would-be criminals have a more difficult time getting in.

  5. Failing to provide security staff that is available 24/7 – security breaches and emergencies can occur at any time of the night or day. Criminals also look for weak points of access or streets that are not monitored. The continuous presence of security personnel will eliminate those opportunities.

The California Safety Agency specializes in providing gated community security in San Bernardino, Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, and Orange Counties. We can conduct an assessment of your gated community and make the appropriate recommendations. Contact us today for a quote or to schedule a consultation.